Choose Joy

Pain. We’ve all experienced it in one way or another. Physical pain can be pretty bad, but emotional pain is always the worst. Most of the time you can see a physical pain, but emotional pain isn’t always as easy to detect. It’s pretty safe to say different people cope with their inner pain in very different ways. Some respond to pain by letting it show, such as through tears and venting to others about what’s upsetting them. Others are more discreet about their pain, keeping up a good front around others, but secretly hurting on the inside. Sometimes one simply cuts off all relationships in their lives to focus on their pain-filled hearts, with constant self pity parties. This usually leads to a long road of depression. There are so many ways human beings react and cope with pain. We act as if it’s a completely natural thing we must do, that carrying our pain around is simply supposed to be apart of us. There is so much pain, suffering and corruption in this world, handling all of it on our own would be extremely unbearable and not what we were created to do.

Psalms 55:22, Psalms 37:5, Psalms 103:1-5,Jeremiah 17:7,8,  Matthew 11:28-30 and so many other verses are placed in the bible for a specific reason; for us to know He is the only One who can take away our pain. He is asking, commanding, begging us to trust Him with our most sacred possessions; our hearts. Not only when they are happy and joyful, but also when they are wounded and broken. We are so quick to trust a billion ways to deal with our pain, without even thinking about giving the God of the universe a try. Remember, above all else, we’re supposed to guard our hearts with all diligence(Prov. 4:23). That includes the way we manage with our pain. Only One has the strength, ability and endurance to take on all of our pain and suffering; Jesus Christ. Perhaps drugs, alcohol, a significant other or even your own self may look they can subside it, but it will still be there hidden in a corner of your heart, unless you give it all to God. Jesus is so incredible, He can take our pain and make it into something good and helpful for us. James 1:2 says “Count it all joy, my beloved, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” So, that right there tells us the perfect way to deal with pain. That no matter what our circumstances are, we must choose joy! I know, It’s not too easy.. for us. Being joyful while hurting is a pretty impossible venture for us to try alone, but with God, it’s more than possible. I think what’s most helpful is simply repeating throughout the day, “By His strength, I will choose to be joyful.” Remember, we have full control over our emotions. We can either decide to stay upset over something or obey God and be glad. No matter how difficult it may seem, praise Jesus; even when you are at your weakest. After all, His strength is made perfect in our weakness(2 Cor. 12:9).

So, the next time your heart feels like it’s breaking or you’re just having an emotionally exhausting day, surrender all your burdens to the Lord. He is the only One that can take our brokenness and make it into something beautiful.

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