Happy Happy Happy

Happiness. Everyone is searching for it. Whether we’re looking for a new relationship, career, car, anything we believe will for sure bring us happiness. We worship the idea of happiness. It can become our only desire, what we strive for the most, what we can end up living for. A friend once told me she would do absolutely anything to make herself happy. She was willing to pay any cost to make this happen. Because as long as she was happy, everything would be fine, right? The only problem is, happiness is temporary. It’s fun to have, but sooner or later, it fades away. Your relationship will have it’s trials, you’ll get tired of that once fantastic career, your new car will become old. We can’t allow earthly things to dictate our happiness for this reason alone. If you look around in a public area, it’s pretty rare to see someone smiling while walking, driving or working. Do you think those people are letting Jesus dictate their happiness? Probably not. I’m not saying that everyone who doesn’t appear generally happy isn’t in love with their creator, but I doubt it’s a common sight. Asking the Lord to fill you with His joy is the most efficient and best way to receive ever lasting happiness. Allow God’s love for you to dictate your happiness. It will never fade, get old or die.

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